Special Chemistry
Sample Handling: 1 week 2-8°C.
Special Chemistry
Sample Handling: Freeze immediately – 30 days at -20°C or longer at -70°C.
Sample Handling: The samples should be frozen immediately and maintained frozen until tested. Samples are stable at 18-25°C for 4 hours. Can be stored at 24 hours at 2-8°C, 2 weeks at -20°C or 6 months at -70°C.
Special Chemistry
Sample Handling: Stability; After separation from cells- Ambient 8 hours; Refrigerated 5 days Frozen 6 months at -20°C or -70°C.
Sample Handling: Serum can be stored at 2-8° C for 24 hours or stored at -20° C or lower for 1 month. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
Special Chemistry
Sample Handling: Can be stored at either -20 or -70°C.
Sample Handling: 4 hours 2-8°C or 6 months at -70°C.
Special Chemistry
Sample Handling: 1 year <-20°C.
Special Chemistry
Sample Handling: Specimens stable for 1 year when stored <-20°C or lower.